5 Common Brew Methods to Make Good Coffee at Home

Now place the brew chamber into Duo. If you look on the side of your brew chamber you will see 3 icons. The middle arrow icon is what you are going to use for proper alignment. Line up the arrows to the tops spout and slide the chamber down.
Once that is done twist the brew chamber clockwise to seal the top chamber. The sealed icon will align with the center of the spout. Ensure the gasket is placed on the bottom of the brew chamber so it meets the top of the plastic threading
The last step is to attach the brew chamber top to the glass carafe base. Place the silicon band onto the top of the carafe and fold over like so.
Now screw the Duo stainless steel brew complete brew chamber onto the top of the glass carafe. Make sure it is aligned squarely so you get a straight alignment and the threads screw smoothly to ensure a snug seal.
Once you have your grind done load your fresh Dangerous into the brew chamber. You will see your beans expand and release the carbon dioxide trapped in the bean from roasting. This is called a coffee blossom. It’s the Hallmark of a fresh roast!. let the blossom finish and then give a little stir using a spoon.
Place the top on that bad boy and let your coffee brew for 4 to 5 Minutes. When the time is up simply twist the top of the Duo counterclockwise in order to release the coffee brew into the glass carafe. the process should only take 30 to 45 seconds
No need to fiddle with dirty filters or grind just put your mugs out and pour
Chemex is one of my favorite ways to brew Dangerous. A pour over in essence is coffee brewing in it’s rawest most primal form and Chemex captures that in one free flowing single apparatus. The design was inspired by the Bauhaus art movement and designed by Peter Schlumbohm in 1941. Critics of the day dubbed his designs a “a synthesis of logic and madness”. Crazy like a fox I say!
Heat your water to 205 degrees by bringing it to a boil and letting it sit for 30 seconds.
Your done with the work now! Watch the pour over do it’s magic extraction of your delicious strong and super smooth coffee brew. It should only take a few minutes. The nice thing about a pour over is once you get the brew going there is no worry of over extraction you just set and forget. Once the drips stop pull the filter and toss it you are now ready to serve.
Fellow Products continues the tradition of refinement and innovation in design with the Stagg Pour-Over System
The Pour -Over Method of coffee brewing is one of the oldest most simplistic methods of coffee brewing in the world. The industry experts consensus start of pour over coffee seems to originate in the story of Amalie Auguste Melitta Bentz. If you recognize the name you should because she founded the Melitta Coffee Company. It was a reaction to the bitter percolator coffee of the day. Percolator coffee is very prone to over extraction and so coffee of the day served using this method was often over bitter and acidic. She loved coffee and felt the flavor profile wasn’t reaching it’s potential so she came up with a more refined process. They say her first paper filter came from her sons ink blotting paper. She noticed the porous and super absorbent properties of the paper, took a brass pot punctured the bottom and constructed her first brew. Viola! The rest is as they say history!
To finish it off the whole set comes with double wall hand blown borosilicate carafe and 10oz serving mugs
Wondering what is the best way to brew coffee with the AeroPress coffee maker? If you like strong coffee and want to have creativity in your brewing method, then the AeroPress gives you a fun way to do it. There are two methods to brewing coffee with the AeroPress. There is the original standard method and the other is the upside-down inverted method.
Here we are going to focus on the inverted method. There are a ton of research out there on both ways and mostly say there is really no big difference in the way the coffee tastes with the different brew methods. However, the inverted method allows total immersion of the grounds for a lot longer and for as long as you would like (but not too long!). Thus giving you a strong great tasting cup of coffee.
The original method is more of a quick extraction since the brewed coffee is already passing through as soon as water is poured into the AeroPress. If you want to check out the original version, check out my post, “How to Brew Coffee Using an AeroPress”.
I do like my coffee strong and espresso like, so the AeroPress is definitely in my book as one of the best ways to brew coffee. In regards to which of two method is better, that really all depends on your coffee flavor preference or perhaps what mood you are in that moment. Again, there doesn’t seem to be much difference in the two methods. According to the article “The Invention of the AeroPress by Zachary Crockett”, about half used the inverted method in the World AeroPress Champion competition. That is right, there is a championship contest to compete for who can brew the tastiest cup of coffee only using the AeroPress. Pretty amazing! So try it out both ways and see which one speaks to your taste buds the most. Most importantly, have fun and enjoy your fresh cup of coffee with the Aeropress!
per 12 Oz serving/ 4 tbs or 25-30 grams for a strong brew